Saturday, September 16, 2017

More on Postman functions

Continuing from my posts on Postman, here are some of the Postman functions that I use from time to time.

  1. To assign a value from the response to an environment variable:
    var json = JSON.parse(responseBody);
    postman.setEnvironmentVariable("bearerToken", json.access_token);

    In that example, it is assigning the access_token from the response to a variable called bearerToken
  2. Test conditions to decide the test result. This is to make it easier to see which request is failing and which one is not failing.
    tests["Status OK"] = responseCode.code == 201

    In this case, Status OK will be considered to be failed if the response status code is NOT 201.
  3. Randomise an integer between certain values

    In this case, it will return any integer number between 1 and 5.
  4. Randomise an integer value

    In this case, it will return a random integer number.
  5. When you create a collection of requests in Postman, you can then run them using the collection runner. By default it will go by the request order in the collection. You can use this function to direct the sequence if you need to deviate from the default order:
    postman.setNextRequest("call name");
    If you put call that in the "Tests" script, then after running the current call, it will then run another call named "call name".


    The above will stop the execution.

    With this function you can basically call the same request more than once (for example to create multiple lines).
    Please note that this function only works in the Collection Runner.
In the next post, I will explain how to use Postman collection and environment data to do multiple concurrent calls, which will be very useful for performance tests.

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